Tematska področja delovanja

Okoljske spremembe in kakovost bivanja

It's fun and easy to create your own professional looking website using UDesign. Give your website a unique style.


Geohazard - geološko pogojene nevarnosti

We are dedicated to offer you the best service with support and updates you can rely on. Do not hesitate to contact us.


Digitalna transformacija s ciljem digitalnega dvojčka

UDesign is WP 5.8+ ready and is surely designed keeping SEO. This is evident by looking at the source code.


Energetski prehod in uporaba brezogljičnih virov

It's fun and easy to create your own professional looking website using UDesign. Give your website a unique style.


Trajnostna raba mineralnih in energetskih virov

UDesign is WP 5.8+ ready and is surely designed keeping SEO. This is evident by looking at the source code.


Naši projekti

16. decembra, 2021

Lorem ipsum Tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt tortor aliquam nulles arese ouer sgsfin arcu cursus euismo it amet tellus adipiscing enim eu. In feunerior ebrs…

6. marca, 2024

Mladi raziskovalci Porazdelitev glavnih in slednih elementov v sedimentih reke Mure s poudarkom na tehnološko kritičnih elementih 55822 - Barbara Čeplak 23427 - dr. Gorazd Žibret…

3. junija, 2024
